The Oxford Book of American Poetry (2006)
Alexander, Caroline The Endurance, Shacklock's expedition to Antarctica (1999)
Balfour, Sandy Pretty girl in crimson rose (2003) cryptic crossword + biography
Barnes, Julian The Sense of an Ending (2010)
Bassani, Giorgio The Garden of the Finzi Continis
Beckett, Samuel Proust
Bok, Christian Eunoia
Borges, Jorge Luis On writing
Cartwright, Justin White Lightning (2002)
Cather, Willa My Antonia
Catton, Eleanor The rehearsal (2008)
Chabon, Michael The Yiddish Policemen's Union (2007)
Chodron, Pema No time to lose
Ellis, Wallace & Robertson, Darick Transmetropolitan - graphic novel, vols 1 + 2
Erpenbeck, Jenny The Old Child & The Book of Words
Fitzgerald, Penelope Offshore (1979)
Goldberg, Natalie - Wild Writing
Grace, Patricia - Potiki
Grossman, David - To the End of the Land, translation by Jessica Cohen
Harris, Sam Free will
Highsmith, Patricia Plotting and Writing Suspense Fiction
Hirsi Ali, Ayaan - Infidel (20??)
Hockney, David A bigger picture
Houellebecq, Michel La carte et le territoire (2010)
Hue & Cry, Issue No. 5 'with a bullet' (2011) lit mag
Hughes, Holly Best Food Writing 2011
Judt, Tony Ill fares the land (2010)
Kermode, Frank The Sense of an Ending (1967)
see book of same name by Julian Barnes
Kuhn, William Mrs Queen takes the train
McNeish, James Dance of the Peacocks (2003)
McNeish, James Touchstones (2012)
Mulgan, John Man Alone (1939, reprinted 1960)
Nieuwenhuizen, Gila (ed.) Harvest from the Tree of Life
Orwell, George The War Broadcasts
Perkins, Emily The Forrests (2012)
Plumb, Vivienne The Diary as a Positive in Adult Female Behaviour
Secret City: A Novel
The Wife who spoke Japanese in her Sleep
Proust Marcel - A la
recherche du temps perdu, Volume II - A l'ombre des jeunes
filles en fleur
Proust, Marcel A la recherche du Temps Perdu - Volume III - Le cote de Guermantes
Proust, Maarcel A la Recherche du Temps Perdu, Volume IV - Sodome et Gomorrhe
Rankin, Ian Not worth remembering - thriller
Rimington, Stella Secret Asset (thriller)
Shakespeare, William Henry V
Stead, C.K. Talking about O'Dwyer
Sweetman, David Mary Renault, A biography
Toibin, Colm New ways to kill your mother
Trevor, William Two Lives
Tyler, Anne Digging to America (2006)
Tyler, Anne The Beginner's goodbye
Vila-Matas, Enrique No End to Paris
Veselka, Vanessa Zazen
Weinberg, Sheila Peltz Surprisingly Happy
Winman, Sarah When God was a rabbit
Slow reading:
Alexander, Christophe A Pattern Language (1977)
Ferguson, Niall Civilization
Judt, Tony Postwar
Kahneman, Daniel Thinking, fast and slow
Red Pine The Heart Sutra translation and commentary
Suzuki, Shunryu Zen
Zornberg, Avivah - The Beginning of Desire: Reflections on Genesis
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